Volume 006, Issue 266

Nov 10, 2011 00:17

This issue covers November 9 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!

reena_jenkins created Coverart & Podfic for pprfaith's Play a Game of Make Believe | PG13 | Buffy/Supernatural | Gen
milerna created fanvid And I lose your hand through the waves | NR | Doctor Who/Pirates of the Caribbean | Jack Sparrow/Amy Pond

wraith11 created Going For A Ride | NR | Aria/Doctor Who/Firefly | Gen
lynzie914 created graphics for smokeandsong | PG-13 | Smallville/Supernatural/Angel/Vampire Diaries/Charmed/Buffy | Angel/Lana, Castiel/Raya, Clark/Anna, Clark/Paige, Chloe/Jo, Damon/Bela, Damon/Lana, Damon/Ruby, Dean/Isobel, Dean/Katherine, Dean/Lana, Faith/Mason, Ruby/Clark, Ruby/Tess, Sam/Lana, Stefan/Lana

Current Challenges

Other Announcements



Multifandoms (stories listed only once)
neensz wrote Peg² (13/?) | PG13 | Leverage/Psych/Stargate: Atlantis | Eliot Spencer/Shawn Spencer, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
darkwyldchilde wrote Running With the Devil 9 | NC17 | Angel/Buffy/NCIS/The Executioner | Gen

The Authority
azarias wrote Citizen's Arrest, pt. 1 | NR | The Authority/due South | Gen

virtualpersonal and brimstonegold wrote Running On Empty 13/? | NC17 | Buffy/Supernatural | Spike/Dean
telaryn wrote Beyond Threats & Recrimination | PG13 | Buffy/Leverage | Gen

Doctor Who
tinyrose65 wrote Clarke's Third Law (5/20) | NR | Doctor Who/Harry Potter | Doctor/Rose

due South
azarias wrote Citizen's Arrest, pt. 1 | NR | The Authority/due South | Gen

CubsKing wrote You Can't Take: Oh, Wait | G | Firefly/Spaceballs | Gen
Akoro88 wrote Into the Black, Forever Free | PG13 | Halo/Firefly | Gen

Akoro88 wrote Into the Black, Forever Free | PG13 | Halo/Firefly | Gen

Harry Potter
tinyrose65 wrote Clarke's Third Law (5/20) | NR | Doctor Who/Harry Potter | Doctor/Rose

telaryn wrote Beyond Threats & Recrimination | PG13 | Buffy/Leverage | Gen

Movie (gen)
CubsKing wrote You Can't Take: Oh, Wait | G | Firefly/Spaceballs | Gen

romankate wrote No Vigilantes | NR | Magnum PI/NCIS | Gen

Silent Hill
nicole9514 wrote Supernatural: Silent Hill 10/? | R | Silent Hill/Supernatural | Castiel/Dean

lynzie914 wrote You Feel Like Liberation | PG | Smallville/Supernatural | Chloe/Jo

virtualpersonal and brimstonegold wrote Running On Empty 13/? | NC17 | Buffy/Supernatural | Spike/Dean
nicole9514 wrote Supernatural: Silent Hill 10/? | R | Silent Hill/Supernatural | Castiel/Dean
lynzie914 wrote You Feel Like Liberation | PG | Smallville/Supernatural | Chloe/Jo

TV (gen)
romankate wrote No Vigilantes | NR | Magnum PI/NCIS | Gen

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

Note: We are looking for an additional editor for crossover_news. If you are interested in being an editor for our Thursday edition (posting the newsletter on Friday), please leave a comment on any issue.

~Your editor,

manga/anime (gen), silent hill, pirates of the caribbean, psych, buffy, movie (gen), due south, supernatural, vampire diaries, the authority, literature (gen), doctor who, stargate: atlantis, smallville, harry potter, halo, leverage, charmed, ncis, tv (gen), firefly, angel

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