Title: Talk It Out Fandoms: Supernatural/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Prompt: 052 - Fire ( table) Word Count: 682 Rating: PG Notes: Set even further into the future of this fusion than the last couple fics.
Title: Distracting Fandoms: Supernatural/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Prompt: 040 - Sight ( table) Word Count: 673 Rating: G Notes: Set around the same time as Complications, in that fusion I've been working on.
Name: Witchy Claim: Victor Creed Title: The Only one I see Fandom(s): Marvel Comicverse/Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sabretooth/India India/Kit Rating: NC-17 Prompt Word and #: 88. He Summary: India thinks back on the night she almost died, and why they really moved to California Note: Any information on India I got from here,
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Claim: Victor Creed Title: The way you Look at me Fandom(s): Marvel Comicverse/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sabretooth/India(suggested) India/Kit Rating:PG-13 Prompt Word and #: 23. Lovers Summary: Sabretooth spies a strange pair of Lovers in Japan Note: In case anyone was wondering, India Cohen is the
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Title: Complications Fandoms: Supernatural/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Prompt: 028 - Children ( table) Word Count: 1770 Rating: PG Notes: Set in the not-too-distant future of this SPN/DS9 fusion universe, which I'm still working out the minor details of.
Title: I heard of a girl Author: sa_kun Fandom: Supernatural, Harry Potter Characters: Dean, Harry Rating: Adult themes Word Count: 1185 Prompt: 089, she Summary: Harry has been cursed. The attempt at robbing Dean is not entirely successful. Disclaimer: Not mine. Author’s Notes: Dean POV. Title from this song by Miss Li. Contains adult themes, mentions
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