Title: Hotblack Pairing: Baekchen Rating: nc-17 Genre: smut Warning(s): light sadomasochism Summary: Dogs can't talk. Comments: visuals for baekhyun's collar: [link] but with a martingale chain for the back like so [link] ---> Originally written for exok_ink exchange 2014! ( Read more... )
Title: Eggshell White Rating: PG 13 Side pairing/s: suchen Length: 6276 words Summary: Who even liked Kyungsoo, honestly? Definitely not Baekhyun - which made things problematic when their two bestfriends decided to get married. Warning/s: n/a
Notes: Originally written for sooenaemoured exchange 2014.
baekhyun-centric | abstract, angst | 515 words highly conceptual and highly personal, part of it written when i woke up randomly at 4 AM a week or so ago while the other half was written when i couldn't manage to actually fall asleep tonight. --> related to Remember. ( ... )