me aN my frIend marIe we weRe yeLLeD at iN teKnoleGy toDay.... an we diDnT eVen do anYthiNg... we weRe talKin abOut lJ anD she sAid she waNted oNe so i saiD ill givE yU a coDe afTer scHool todAy so whEn she getS oN iM goNna giVe heR oNe~!! <33
iM baCk!!!!! iM feEling muCh beTter cAuz a rAlly nIce gUrl naMed frAnces heLped me oUt!!!
anywaYs i foUnd this guY, hIs name is aDriaN and heS so cUte!!!! he haS spiKed haIr an its blaCk!! anyWay i nEEd a neW icOn so somEone shOudl maKe me oNe!! i wAnt suMe banD iconS too. yaH!! byE yAll!