whaTs uP! peEople! i fiYnly got mI accCount bAck an noW i cAn taLK tO yU aLL agaIn!!!!! SOOOO ExCITED!!! i mAd a mYspaCe acCount an I NEED friNds sooooOOOO yU shouD aDd me! iTs cryingstarzz Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
iM juSt too uSed to drAma thaT i hAbe to cAuse it whErevEr i gO. i hOpe my frIends kNow that i stIl luV thEm eVen if it seEms tAt iM tOo selFish to cAre ;\
sO i thoUt a lOt aBoUt my laAst enTri an i dEcided to seE what beIng w/ a guRl is liKe aN i hoOked up iwTh clAudia an i thoUght it waS prRty gooD if yU knOW what i mEan!!! lol!!!!
so i gueSS biS arnT groSSiez aFter alL, i juSt wish guYs were betTer ;\\\