Title: Forward the Machine - Chapter 07
Genre: Action/adventure, AT (diverging from mid-CoS)
Rating: R
Summary: (AT diverging from mid-movie): What if the Thule Society hadn’t opened the Gate on that fateful November 8th? What if Alfons Heiderich had yet to fire his rocket? What if Alphonse Elric was still out there searching? And what if Edward
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Comments 16
you are an evil, evil woman, but you are also amazing. The concept of Alfons as alchemist is brilliant.
more please.
Al is going to be distraught, but who can he tell? One of the things I like best about this story is that Al is becoming more like Ed; he is isolated from the people around him by the secrets he must keep about this other world. A place where alchemy didn't exist? Madness.
It's always such a pleasure to get fic from you, it's always got so much substance. I can rip it apart and wallow in it. <3
And then Alphonse met Alfonse again, and that spooked me out a second time, because I wondered about the location of Alphonse's soul, and I worried.
"This is not a well man" is an interesting phrase. I love the phrasing in this story.
Oh, you're strict with your readers, to end on an uncertainty like that. Al waking up? Being woken up? Going back to the light and being stuck there? I'll wait for the next chapter impatiently. Continue~ Continue~
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