Hok so dere is tis fagortz bye teh naemz of GHEEKLORD omfg !!1 Ghey namez ALERTZ And i was leik jo0 noe wot gheekfag i hat8e yu bacuz jo0 r stuipd anz you maek wierdz noizez whjen you paly teh gaem of teh counterer striker.
SCho meh adn teh Roberto keel teh competitions at teh lanZ. Wowz did we owntz. MArk schwasn't teh but dis gyu names Mike is like OMGEZ I PWN JU! Ltes schee hem pwn teh HE Bomb palanted Behindez his chur!
Ooo i hur teh lockin coming, for sum majur ownager at teh counterer strikest gaem! I am so ghad dhang awesomer thats i leik to own in mah sprae time... Ju now i wsa palying aT TEH lancentre palace teh othre day and then i did tihs cheatr move. MEbbe Cheat more HOK!
Dere he schwas, likr alschways. My archr enemiez MARK! Mark goes... Nicr Game Schomebody! Too BAD I OWN JU! I say... WRAONG! Scho i start palying teh gamez and likr be teh ownez. An Den Mistah Jorge was like PWN HOMG I R TEH OWNEREZ! I dink it whent schomething leik dis.
Hok, i schwas palying as teh mightier counterer counter terroristers and i got mebbe likest 7 headshots. MEbbe iw ould have done aloth bett4r if for teh fact dat i haev like 304 pings. I drew a picture of teh match!