My baby's coming here on april 30th. You bet that i'll count the days, minutes and seconds right down to when he's in my arms. I miss him so much, but i know that when we're with eachother all this time spent away from eachother is worth it.
I spent today with my brother and dad... and it was so comforting having them around. Family is always there for me... no matter what happens they'll always be there, reassuring you.
Last night... I had a nightmare where i was being chased by a serial killer and his pet....chihuahua. I think I can now be officially labled as insane.
I'm wasting my life away... not by drugs... but by SLEEPING. Jesus christ and every other saint, it kinda feels like i'm always sleeping. Haha. I don't have anything better to do. Pathetic little nasim. Oh yeah the stupid dreams of you-know-who cheating on me with a certain girl dont seem to end as nights pass by. Joy.