Title: Break the rules
Chapter: 19/20
Genre: Ship/Romance, angst, fluff, smut.
Warnings: Angst. Smut.
Ratings: NC-17
Pairings: AoixUruha (ReitaxRuki)
Disclaimer: I only own my imagination ♪
Synopsis: Long lasting sex games are addicting. Follow the rules and be safe. Break them and see the consequences.
Comments: Took me forever. Soon coming to an end ;__;
Break the rules | CHAPTER NINETEEN )
Comments 35
I...I just hope there'll be a happy ending for these two. ABSYVUTFASV FUCKING WAKE UP URUHA. T_T
Reituki was lovely to death. Mustang sex yay :B
Why? Does it seem that impossible lol? And well, mustang sex was a request so, I had to do it anyway XD
And no, it actually doesn't, I know you'll be able to work one of those magics of yours and make it all alright. WON'T YOU? *stares pointedly*
Well great job on that, it was a freakingly nice distraction from all the drama there. /fapfapfap
Okay throwing sald and potatoes at Uruha!!!:DD but oh god he also said it so beautifully and let me die over Aoi again!!!!!<333 whatever he does in your fics makes me meeeelt!!
also the Reituki were sweet:3...in their own way:D I just that cocky little bastard Ruki:D
Okay so you're going to die whenever Aoi does something right? XD I know though...I make him so perfect in there u___u
HAHA I'm sure Ru would be that kind of lucky man XD
i'm very very very happy for reituki (*´ー`*人)
but.. how abt uru and aoi??? Orz
waiting for the last chap! i want a great ending or i'll be aoi's bride! ψ(`∇´)ψ *slaaap
LOL I wouldn't try making Uruha angry^^ You'll see next chapter what might happen.
this! made! my! day!
i so love you for this!!! *hugs you tightly* KYAAAAA!!!!!!
why o why uruha?! why can't you just love aoi?! argh! *honestly, i'll throw you some tomatoes. but i do like you. hmp!*
aoi! do something! made love to uruha so he can change his mind (?) lol!
waiting for the last two parts! kyaaa!!! happy anniversary!! i'm so in love with this fanfic of yours! omedetto! *cheers*
I'm glad it did! And *hugs back* thank you!
Well I can't say anything about them but that you'll see next chapter for the rest lol.
And thanks! I'm happy you do!
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