Title: What I Am Rating: R Pairing: Ricardo Kakà/Andriy Shevchenko Disclaimer: Fiction. Summary: “Andriy Shevchenko is a fighter. A boxer, he likes to think of it, but the truth is he has no pleasure of such glamour.”
but it should be noted that this, they were so sickeningly pleasant that Andriy had to slam the door shut before he act on hostile instincts for some reason made my lips curl.
It's also an added perk when read over again to see the word 'button' and think that perhaps that that was the line where there was a typo because of buttosaursus.
Andriy hates this, whatever this is-one of the games Ricky likes to play, he supposes; the youthful son of Evangelist parents is naturally a rebel, having been forced to move with them from mission to mission for as long as he has been alive (although they have been in Italy for years now, choosing to use mainly a lifestyle approach to effect Eternal Salvation to the lower-class Catholics-still, Andriy remembers that there is no permanency, nothing, nobody, he can count on, and religion has never been appealing to him anyway).
&. ohmygod this is amazing. ohmygod you're amazing. memming.
Comments 17
&. ohmygod this is amazing. ohmygod you're amazing. memming.
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