Title: What I Am Rating: R Pairing: Ricardo Kakà/Andriy Shevchenko Disclaimer: Fiction. Summary: “Andriy Shevchenko is a fighter. A boxer, he likes to think of it, but the truth is he has no pleasure of such glamour.”
Lovely, Vy. ♥ (I think by now, you and Shadae must be accustomed to my inability to leave a proper coherent comment, but as long as you know I loved it. Also...it is late and I'm tired.)
Oh man, you're the champ. You know how intensely I love you and your writing, and this is no exception.
Come on, boxing (one of my old loves), S/K and you?
I'll stop because I give terrible "critiques." But it should be said that the picture and the quote (a quote?) is absolutely beautiful and compliments the whole fic (even though it is not needed, promise).
Comments 17
Lovely, Vy. ♥
(I think by now, you and Shadae must be accustomed to my inability to leave a proper coherent comment, but as long as you know I loved it. Also...it is late and I'm tired.)
I want an answer.
And it better be in terms of the latter tense.
I'll join the line of people unable to make a proper comment because, guh, there are no words. Just beautiful.
Come on, boxing (one of my old loves), S/K and you?
I'll stop because I give terrible "critiques." But it should be said that the picture and the quote (a quote?) is absolutely beautiful and compliments the whole fic (even though it is not needed, promise).
You're my favourite. :)
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