Sally Saver screams "screwed!" & is SOL at saving serious shillings at supercilious store of scum

Nov 05, 2010 21:53

This is a long coupon rant. If you're easily bored by long posts, save yourself the pain. But if you happen to like pain, PM me

The woman I dealt with wasn't a lawyer, but she did stay at a Holiday Inn Express the night before.

I'm aware that coupon rules are not universally enforced. Some stores automatically double coupons. Some will take them for similar products of the same brand, or two different coupons for the same product. They can't redeem the wrong/extra ones through the manufacturer*, but they eat the loss to avoid long tedious explanations or loss of business when the customer packs up their toys and goes home. But it's not "the law" and the store doesn't have to give things away for free. Which, especially with internet coupons that you can print until doomsday, is exactly what would be happening if it wasn't for the fine print.

*As my store manager explaine dit, they could send them in and might not get caught, but manufacturers can demand sales records. If the numbers don't match up, the store is in deep doodoo. So when one gets accidentally put through or we bow to a snowflake, our store just eats the loss and throws them away.

We retail (and grocery) folks love those "See Sally Save!" articles that basically give all kinds of wrong information about coupon rules and ways to get discounts, then say when in doubt, ask for a manager and all will be well. Sorry, no matter how you interpret it, "One coupon per purchase" or "This may not be combined with any other offer" or even the very direct "No other coupon may be used with this coupon" does not mean that you can use as many of the same exact coupon as you want on a single item. Up to and beyond getting it for free. There's no hidden clause that you can only see wearing your Ben Franklin National Treasure glasses that makes this okay, either.

Sally Saver, I want to thank you for taking time away from your busy life writing coupon laws to shop at my store. Thank you for bringing my cashier roughly $50 worth of Pampers and an absolute Leaning Tower Of Printed-off-of-the-internet $1 Coupons that you insisted, despite the big bold text that says LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE, be rung up one at a time until your total was exceeded. But I really thank you for demanding the difference in cash. If it hadn't been for the cashback part, the kid wouldn't have needed to call me for approval and you would have gotten away with it by intimidating a 16 year old cashier with your lawyerspeak.

***Note to self, time to gather Sam Storeclerk and his friends around the campfire and go over coupon rules again and brush up on our Snowflakese.***

No, Sally, I can't let it happen "just this once". (If it's really "the law", as we are about to find out, how can it also be an exception?) Two would be one thing. 54 or whatever it took to cover your entire purchase plus tax is entirely another. This is not your cue to grow a second head out of your ass and start talking out of that one instead.

I am in fact the manager you're now asking for, and no we are not "obligated by law" to treat your coupons like cash, unless you want to collect 100 of them and get a penny back since the cash value is 1/100 of 1 cent. Yes, actually, I AM proud of myself for "screwing your baby out of diapers". This is what I do at night when I should be applying for a new job Skyping with my fiancé. I sit and draw up lists of what a typical baby needs, then plot the best ways to screw him out of those things. At least if the alternative would be my store giving them away for free to anyone with a printer and a modem.

(Obviously most of this was internal monologue.)

I need an icon that says "I'm in ur store charging u 4 ur purchases" now. ETA: One has been generously provided by solarbaby614. Also, my plan to screw all the babies out of what they need.

Also, if anyone was still wondering what happened with this jagoff, sorry I never gave an ETA. Generally I post here and then stay the hell away for a whilebecause I just want to forget what happened. Anyway, the store manager had told the customer that he couldn't have his bag of items unless he brought back the bag with the DVD's and stuff in it. SM was surprised that the customer didn't argue beyond some muttering about the inconvenience, but we all know the Magical Testicles of Infinite Wisdom™ just make the words sound more official.

That, and he never came back. I guess his own MT's told him the bag at home was worth keeping and repurchasing the junk he'd left behind.

tl;dr, LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE isn't there for decoration. We are not taking $50 worth of coupons we won't be able to get reimbursed for and then giving you cash back to take our diapers home for free. I am the Diapermaster General and I am here to "screw your baby out of them" so he has to toddle around bareass and pee on the rug. Thank you for "shopping" at Sucky Store and have a nice day.

lack of common sense, rules lawyering, retail: other

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