As always, thank you for participating. This has been a wonderful round. The fifth! I can barely believe it. Thank you so much for making it possible!
Questions, doubts and complaints:
I'm sure that feedback will be loved by all authors. Yes, that's a hint. :-) Another hint: A link back to the masterlist and/or the community would look just shiny. *nodnodnod*
For easier catalogising into
the memories, please add
-Link (http://....) note: Please no [a href...]!
-Main characters/pairings
-Others (Timeline? wishverse? normalverse? AU? All Human? NC-17 or really spicy R?...)
Official Deadline: December 1st.
mireille719 wrote (EXTRA)
As Wolves Like Dogs (Wesley/Ethan, pre-series) for
nwhepcat vampedvixen wrote
Meno Delle Due Malvagità {The Lesser of Two Evils} (Dawn&Spike, others, post NFA) for
biggrstaffbunch maddogs991 wrote
Wet Sand (Ethan/Giles) for
scratchingpost1 mireille719 wrote
Twelve Hours (Jenny/Giles, S2) for
gothicautumn03 scratchingpost1 wrote
Always Be With You (Buffy/Giles, post Chosen) for
total_fangirl secondalto wrote Unexpected
2 (Buffy/Wesley, post Damaged. NC-17) for
danishafer redeem147 wrote
Other Lives, (Giles. Buffy/Dr Who crossover. post Chosen, post Doomsday) for
maddogs991 semby wrote
Badass Manly Soldier Guys, (Xander, Riley. Future, Africa.) for
fluffy_llama carlyinrome wrote
Tantra, (Buffy/Angel, S2) for
semby nwhepcat wrote
Reference Desk, (Xander/Faith, alt 'Revelations') for
antennapedia amara_m wrote
Faith, Hope and Love, (Angel/Wesley. AtS/Supernatural) for
nwhepcat elementalv wrote
Flashing, (Spike/Xander. post S4) for
electricalgwen antennapedia wrote Apples, Oranges, and Pears
2 (Giles/Xander, S3) for
mireille719 electricalgwen wrote
Near Wild Heaven, (Spike/Xander, S4. NC-17) for
secondalto alixtii wrote
Not Quite Queen of the Damned, (Faith/Vi. post-Chosen, BtVS/Veronica Mars) for
deadsoul ladyoneill wrote
Searching For What's Lost, (Spike/Darla/Drusilla, Historical) for
amanda_m agilebrit wrote
Starting from Scratch, (Spike, Illyria, Lorne, River, Jayne, Mal. Firefly/BtVS. post-NFA, post Ariel) for
settiai bethynyc wrote
Just Passing Time, (Wesley/Spike, NC17) for
fiareynne zandra_x wrote
The Cordelia Chase Murder Mystery, (Cordelia&Angel ensemble, WIP) for
carlyinrome lucey wrote
Loneliness (comes and goes), (Buffy/Angel, S3) for
redscorner edgechick816 wrote
Indian Summer or, Intimacy is Like Hard Liquor, (Spike/Faith, post NFA) for
frimfram total_fangirl wrote
Teacher's Pet, (Veronica&Connor, Veronica Mars crossover, post NFA) for
redeem147 jedibuttercup wrote (BACK UP)
Cages of Their Own Making, (Spike/Illyria, Wesley/Lilah, post NFA) for
ladyoneill redeem147 wrote (BACK UP)
The Devil By The Highway, (Groupfic, Spike. Bones crossover) for
agilebrit total_fangirl wrote (BACK UP)
Finding A Reason, (Buffy/Angel, post NFA. NC-17) for
edgechick816 leni_ba wrote (BACK UP)
Salvage Mission, (Cprdelia, River, Mal. post You're Welcome, post BDM) for
zandra_x Late stories for: