BBC Sherlock fic: Gone Is My Past

Apr 27, 2011 21:41

Title: Gone Is My Past
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes
Warnings: Self-harm.
Summary: John is an army bomb detection dog who has been turned into a human. Angst. No, really, angst.
Disclaimer: The BBC owns all.
Beta: Thanks to emmessann for the beta.
Notes: Filled for this prompt on the kinkmeme.

Translated into Chinese Read more... )

bbc sherlock, sherlock holmes, john watson

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Comments 180

kikainausagi April 28 2011, 06:06:49 UTC
This is still the sweetest thing EVER. Dog!John is perfect.


kikainausagi April 28 2011, 06:28:20 UTC
Aaaand I just realized I love everything you've written for this fandom. Hope you don't mind that I've friended you. :)


cyerus April 28 2011, 07:20:18 UTC
Crikey, you're fast! I just posted this up a few minutes ago!

Not at all, so long as you don't mind that I've friended you back. I've been haunting your journal since you posted that awesome tree!John fic. :)


kikainausagi April 28 2011, 17:09:51 UTC
Aw, thanks for liking the tree fic. Friend away! The more the merrier :D


nejem April 28 2011, 10:23:39 UTC
I was expecting some serious crack when I first read the summary for this story, and it turned out it was far from being a crackfic... Then while reading one of the paragraphs about John's collar I thought: "Oh dear, I bet this will turn into a bit of a collar-fetish fic, albeit a strange dog!John AU one" and it turned out to be far from any kind of fetish fic... In short: this was completely different from what I expected and infinitely better! :D

This was gorgeous and moving and a bit heartbreaking and sweet and lovely! I just absolutely adored this! It's a strange AU, but the king of strange that you don' expect to love and then you absolutely do! I love this! Oh look, I'm repeating myself! Who cares! I love this! :D

You did a magnificent job, in my honest and humble opinion! ♥
This is going in my memories for future re-readings, of course!


cyerus April 29 2011, 03:09:17 UTC
Aw, thanks for the lovely review! Funnily enough, when I first saw the prompt on the meme, I couldn't think of a single way to make it into a crackfic. Which is odd, because I think pretty much everyone else read it as a crack prompt. I guess my brain's a little weird. :P


kristinaa1 July 6 2011, 12:03:59 UTC
I'm going to be lazy and just say that I second every word this girl said :-)


anonymous April 28 2011, 10:51:16 UTC
Lovely, absolutely lovely!


cyerus April 29 2011, 03:09:34 UTC


lawless523 April 28 2011, 11:37:48 UTC
You did an awesome job with an interesting prompt!


cyerus April 29 2011, 03:09:50 UTC
Thank you muchly!


(The comment has been removed)

cyerus April 29 2011, 03:11:31 UTC
Aw, thanks! I'm actually glad you thought it was heartrending, because I meant this as a bit of a tragedy. I hope you find your coherency!


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