Title: Secret Santa
Fandom: Jeremiah
Characters: Mister Smith, Sister Hannah, Rose
Words: 1,124
Rating: G
Note: for
belleferret, who asked for Mister Smith and making lists
Disclaimer: The world of Jeremiah, before or after the Big Death, does not belong to me. Just passing through.
Secret Santa )
Comments 13
Poor Smith has no memory of what the holidays were like "before." ;-(
I love how the teachers gather a list of what the children want while the children gather a list for the teachers. Somehow I think Smith will pull off a miracle, and get everyone what they want one way or another.
Lifting Rose into his arms so that she could reach one of the higher boughs, father and daughter hung the stars on a leafy green sky
I love this line, and the image it conjures up.
Thank you for this dear fic! *mwah*
I knew what I was going to write almost as soon as I saw your request. What I didn't know was that Rose was going to have a list of her own, to mirror Sister Hannah. I do so love it when the muses sneak up and surprise me.
Thank you for the lovely prompt. Oh, and thank you too, for recommending it!
It's a shame the series didn't go into a third season, where we might have learned what happened to Mister Smith 'Before.' Then again, I wonder if they wouldn't have preferred to keep him a mystery.
I ab-so-lute-ly love this. On every level. It's poignant and so descriptive. It also makes me want to go re-watch all the episodes.
You rock. :D
You rock.
I scissors. (No, wait ... paper! ...)
And I'm sure, Smith will do his best to get everyone - children and sisters - what they need and want.
The muses (especially Rose) has been tugging at my ear, trying to get me to the keyboard to write a sequel. You may yet find out what the Mister Smith, Kurdy, and the Mountain managed to come up with in response to those requests.
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