Rolling and Rolling

Jul 12, 2021 13:00

The first time Birdie rolled over, she didn't do it again for a few days. Now she's reached the point where if she's left on her back, she will roll over, regardless of whether that's in her crib, the pack & play, her play gym on the sofa or on these soft foam mats we put in the living room. It doesn't matter what else is going on, if Birdie is on her back she's trying to roll over.

At this point, she's still only rolling from her back to her front and hanging out there. She hasn't quite figured out going from her front to her back yet. This is only problematic when she wakes up in the middle of the night, rolls over on to her front, and then gets stuck there and starts squawking about it when she wants to be on her back. Fortunately for me, I continue to sleep through the night regardless of how much noise Birdie makes, to M's irritation.

birdies baby book

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