53 Days of Solid Food

Sep 16, 2021 18:19

Birdie started eating solid food on July 25. When I posted a brief update on August 8, she was on her second jar of baby food after starting with rice cereal. Now she has had an entire kaleidoscope of flavors.

At my last update, I mentioned that she appeared to really like carrots. This has been upheld through further tests. Carrots are probably her favorite pureed baby food at this time. After that are the other orange vegetables - pumpkin, sweet potato and butternut squash. She just really likes orange, apparently. Green beans are also popular with her.

She's less wild about fruits. Mangoes, despite being orange, were not a hit. Neither were bananas or prunes. Apples went over a little bit better. We still have pears cued up to try as well.

We've also been exposing her to allergens, all mixed with rice cereal. Peanut butter was not a problem. Strawberries weren't a winner. Eggs (once with yolks and once with whites) got a mixed reaction. Fortunately, she didn't seem to be allergic to any of them.

The other solid food she had was a big winner. When my mother was here in late August, I made her blueberry cobbler. We gave Birdie the tiniest spoonful of blueberry filling, which is filled with sugar. That was a big winner and blew her mind.

So to summarize:
- My daughter loves vegetable flavors of baby food.
- She's largely indifferent and occasionally hostile to fruit flavors of baby food.
- If you add a ton of sugar to blueberries, she'll enthusiastic about that!

Fortunately, your palate at eight months of age is not destiny!

birdies baby book

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