When I posted my
Big Brother summary to Facebook, I asked people to tell me their family trees. I got quite a few answers, which made curious enough to ask some others, which led to this summary of the family trees from my time in the house plus or minus a few years.
As far as anyone can recollect, most of the actives fell into the gigantic sprawling "Matt Nelson" family tree. There were several smaller trees, some of which died while I was there, like the Greenberg family tree. Just through sheer numbers there's a strong chance that everybody at the house today is descended from the Nelson family tree.
Each "-" equals one L. E.g., below Bart is the LB of Matt Nelson, Ron is his LLB, etc. "No LB" means that I've gotten confirmation that they didn't have a LB and their line ends there.
The Matt Nelson family tree
Matt Nelson
-Bart (Nelson's LB)
--Ross (Sharp's LB)
--Ron (Bart's LB)
----Dutton (Jon's LB)
-----Brad (no LB)
-----Bovi (no LB)
----Joe (Jon's LB)
-Snively (Nelson's LB)
---Zuck (Raney's LB)
----Phil (Zuck's LB)
-----Nathan (me) (Phil's LB)
------Amitai (no LB)
------Vic (no LB)
-----Jackal (Phil's LB)
-------Choi (no LB)
-----Brandon (Phil's LB)
------Jimi (no LB)
----Neal (Zuck's LB)
-----Shawn (Neal's LB)
--------Ben C
---------Jon M
--------Greg (no LB)
-----Rick (Pence's LB)
-----Tim (Pence's LB)
---Dave (Raney's LB)
----Ducar (Dave's LB)
------Hank (Dolan's LB)
----Davis (Dave's LB)
-------Dashon (no LB)
----Hsia (Dave's LB)
-----Eric (no LB)
The Greenberg family tree
---Kip (no LB)
The Chick family tree
--Steve E
----Ravi (no LB)
The Darin family tree
---Tony (no LB)
The Short family tree
---Susan (no LB)
The Adam family tree
-Gabe (no LB)
This is undoubtedly wildly incomplete. I'll update it as other people give me info. Of the people I am in some kind of touch with, I didn't hear back from Rick, Hank, Gabe, Dominic, Ben L, Ben C and Sean at time of posting. Hopefully they'll get back to me soon. I didn't dig out my composites to make sure I had every name on there either, or pull out my Black Book for the folks older than me. I'll update it as I get updates.
Brothers, I also have a (locked) copy of this with full names. Reach out if you'd like a copy/paste of that one.
The Ohio Alpha Beta Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta
The House Tour
Main Floor Bedrooms,
Main Floor Public Rooms,
Basement Public Areas,
Basement Private Areas,
2nd Floor Big Bedrooms,
2nd Floor Small Bedrooms,
3rd Floor First Hallway,
3rd Floor Second Hallway,
Attic & Errata,
House Tour Commentary: Joe & Laura & Astrid,
House Tour Commentary: Jackal,
House Tour Commentary: Susan,
House Tour Commentary: Assorted The Pledge Program
Curriculum & Black Books,
Big Brothers & Pledge Pins,
Fall 1996Events
Full Series,
My Rush Experience,
Chapter History, Family Trees
Black Books EDIT 5/19/23: I was given a paper copy of the "Dolan" family tree, and added many, many names underneath it. Most are not people I know.