Since Birdie's first visit to a
splash pad, she's hit the water several more times. After the huge success of our visit in Columbus, M investigated the splash pad options in our area. Unfortunately, most of them require you to be a resident or a guest of a resident to visit them, but she found one in Fairview Park that had, shall we say, a lax attitude toward checking residency and took Birdie there last week. Birdie had a great time and once again showed utter fearlessness about getting wet or randomly sprayed.
M has been taking Birdie to a kids program in Cove Park on Thursdays. This started out as a virtual story time in the winter, then moved outside with better weather. They do stories, then play with toys or on the playground. Last Thursday they had a water table set up, which allowed Birdie to have a great time while getting utterly drenched. A water table, for who aren't aware, is a kid sized table that holds a bunch of water in a tray. The kid plays with various toys in the water, allowing splashing at child height.
Appropriately for the solstice, yesterday was oppressively hot, so M improvised a water table in our yard using an extremely large plastic container (think: "under bed storage") and one of the coffee tables she puts her
plants on when they're outside. The whole rig was set up in the shade on the driveway, and it was the perfect height for Birdie to get nice and wet while grabbing various plastic toys in the water.
M also recently got a small kids pool from the
buy nothing group, so further splashing is in Birdie's future. Birdie almost got to go in a real grown up pool last weekend; in a story I forgot to
add to the summary, we met M's college friend Melissa and her young two sons at a playground in Avon on Saturday morning. Originally we intended to go to the pool across from the playground, but the weather ended up being so perfect that it was actually a little chilly for taking a baby to the pool so we just did the playground and had pastries, which was a fine morning all by itself. Birdie's first pool experience will just have to wait a bit longer. We already have a pool float to put her in when the day arrives.