I am currently leading worship in TN...Breakaway is so close to my heart...The Lord-Goodness HE IS PERFECT...this opportunity couldnt have come at a better time
in about 1/2 a day Ill be getting on a plane and heading to Seattle...this is crazy!
2007...it's just around the corner...see you all then, love
i was gonna do this whole "things im thankful for" list..which would lead to "people im thankful for"...and about 10 minutes into it i realized--i could be here all day
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im sipping on italian cafe given to me from my padre meola and which i just made in my italian 3-cup maker and then poured into my little italian orange and white cafe cup/plate and stiired in sugar with my tiny italian silver spoon...
they are crushing the grapes and bottling the wine this month