In the story of Alice and Wonderland, Alice begins to wonder, frantically, if she has gone mad. To which, the Cheshire cat responds, "We're all mad here
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This of course makes things sound so simple. If you did care about me, and you still do, then why don't we take another chance together. Anything else would have to mean I'm not important enough or you don't care enough about me. But life is more complex than that. Everyday we make decisions, essentially take large risks, with the limited
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I was just laughing with two friends at the incongruency between the words coming out of Eminem's mouth and the tone he uses to say them in his newest little piece, "love the way you lie." He talks about loving someone, but he always sings so angry that it made us chuckle
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I posted on Jan 2nd about a quote I liked from Rose Kennedy. I haven't seen it in a long time, but just found it on a friend's facebook.
It has been said, 'time heals all wounds'. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting it's sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessons. But it is never gone"~Rose Kennedy.
“We’ve got it all wrong.” Of course, of course, you’d say, but what about this time? We’re always wrong about something. What are we doing right, you might even ask. But that, that right there, is the basis of my discussion today
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Nietzsche once said that those who are truly powerful have no need or reason to exercise that power. Those with strength know they are strong, they don't need to prove it. Actions come from the need to accomplish, the need to test oneself in order to further grow. Those with true power do not crush others - the weak, the unwilling, the
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Always follow your heart. How cliche. You've all heard it before. Well I think its true. The past few months have been a transition, and I wanted to try some new things in my life. In the end, I decided I didn't like those new things. Most of the ones I have now moved on from, were suggestions from others or lifestyles that those around me had. And
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For years there have been a couple quotes that have stuck with me in life. They often find themselves on new websites and new places in my life. Ironically, the anonymous writer that I followed, I think he was trying to get over someone as well. Now, those quotes make so much more sense
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