Aw, it was real! No memories? I even tested in there.
I mean -- it was that open area behind the IB Office, but it was officially designated as the IB Lounge. We'd eat lunch in there as freshmen - about 5 of us, and about 5 other mini-groups - and they seriously wouldn't let non-IB kids in, 'cept to pass through.
Hilariously elitist...but cozy, in a cute way.
Why I just wrote an epic detailing the short-lived IB Lounge? No idea. Sorry, Michael :p.
Ohh, the IB Lounge was brilliant-in-a-box. It was sooo long ago, though!
But definitely talk to Dolton. Not to say I think anything'll happen - but it's such a fab idea. So many of my fondest memories from H.S. days were in there, haha. Well...maybe 5 of my fondest memories. Shaddap. Regardless, it was bomb-awesome. *shrug*
oh yeah I used to do that. I'd go on the search engine of my choice and do a random image search on the first word that came to my head and just set a random one as my background. then I used ones from
you should check it out, they have some cool ones.
Niiiice! Oh, awesome. Though I just use pictures of my own, 95% of the time. I have a little plug-in that randomly scrolls through all my pictures, changing every 10 seconds or so, on my Google Desktop ( amazing program, check it out- ). As marvelous pictures come up on there, I click 'em and make 'em the desktop. Sometimes I don't even see the desktop more than once between when I change it and change it again, lol!
*I'm taking the first step and admitting that I have a problem*
Mmmm, the IB Lounge! I remember it fondly. We would all hang out back there during lunch -- they had old donated couches and I think even bookshelves with like college-search materials. Not that anyone ever used those, but it was an awesome place to have lunch and do all our secret IB scheming away from the prying eyes of non-IBers... lol.
Comments 23
besides, if it's gonna be there, I want it before our last day...
You kids...
I mean -- it was that open area behind the IB Office, but it was officially designated as the IB Lounge. We'd eat lunch in there as freshmen - about 5 of us, and about 5 other mini-groups - and they seriously wouldn't let non-IB kids in, 'cept to pass through.
Hilariously elitist...but cozy, in a cute way.
Why I just wrote an epic detailing the short-lived IB Lounge? No idea. Sorry, Michael :p.
But definitely talk to Dolton. Not to say I think anything'll happen - but it's such a fab idea. So many of my fondest memories from H.S. days were in there, haha. Well...maybe 5 of my fondest memories. Shaddap. Regardless, it was bomb-awesome. *shrug*
then I used ones from
you should check it out, they have some cool ones.
*I'm taking the first step and admitting that I have a problem*
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