Technically the HTML is wrong both times you did it...It should be:
LJ Name
For the 'name of color' you can use any standard color, or you can use Hex colors which follow the format #RRGGBB (RGB colors)...Replace each R,G, and B with a number according to how much color you want. You can also use letters from A-F. For example, white is "#000000" and black is "#ffffff." I forget how to interpret the Hex values but its based on a Base-16 system or something. Its used a lot in programming and such (you can see it in you windows Registry Edit).
Comments 7
cya -leah
LJ Name
For the 'name of color' you can use any standard color, or you can use Hex colors which follow the format #RRGGBB (RGB colors)...Replace each R,G, and B with a number according to how much color you want. You can also use letters from A-F. For example, white is "#000000" and black is "#ffffff." I forget how to interpret the Hex values but its based on a Base-16 system or something. Its used a lot in programming and such (you can see it in you windows Registry Edit).
< font color="color goes here" >< b >LJ Name < /b > < /font >
But without the spaces between brackets..
Kris Rules
Try that Kristopher
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