Title: Rock Hard Vice (or Twelve Days ‘til Boxing Day or In which Harry Denies He’s Gay Eleven Times)
To: Cait or
crumbfreebreadFrom: Domz or
dadomzRating: NC17
Warning: Sex, Alcohol, Mild Exhibitionism, Absurd Metaphors, Crude (and not artistic) sex descriptions and lotsa’ swearing-not a very good combination, I reckon.
Genre: (An attempt, rather, at) Slight Humour
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Comments 132
“I’m multitasking in a really smart way, you know.”
The dialogue was so smart!
“I’m multitasking in a really smart way, you know.”
The dialogue was so smart!
Harry grunts (much to Draco’s chagrin) like a pig. He tugs on Draco’s hair, twisting it into a tangled mess and pulling at it like a centurion with his stallion. Draco whinges (or neighs) indignantly, slapping Harry’s wrist to loosen his grip.
Draco withdraws for a moment with a scathing glare, “Tug my hair one more time and I’m going to bite off your dick.” -- *dies*
“I’m glad our complicated unrestrained sexual tension slash non relationship based on my compromised worked ethics and his sexually repressed dick is amusing you to the point of helping you make your life-altering decision,” Draco bites out. - mwahahahaha
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Awesome fic ^_^ I enjoyed every minute of it
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