Jill, I am crying now. This is the most beautiful entry I have ever read. Your grandpa sounds like a wonderful man, and I am glad you had so many great years with him. You have a lot of love in your life dear, and for that I think you are the luckiest girl in the world.
What a beautiful entry, Jill. I know you think parts were depressing but the last sentence really explained it all. And I completely agree, that is absolutely true. To me, that's love. Sure, he may have avoided the fact that she is sick, but eh... I think my grandpa was the same way a bit when my grandma found out that she had late stage cancer. He did anything and everything to keep her alive (and for a while, it worked... he fed her so much healthy weird stuff and juices and anything else and the doctors were AMAZED by her results), but in the end it just wasn't enough and couldn't work, but still he tried. I don't know. The love that people hold in their hearts is amazing... same for your mom, to do all of that and spend her days doing that is just pure love and strength. I really admire her.
both of your grandparents sound like such lovely people, katie. they were and ARE lucky to have such a sweet, loving girl as a granddaughter. :) thanks for the kind reply, as always. and yes - i admire my mom more than pretty much everyone. i should probably make a greater effort to make sure she knows it. <3 <3
Comments 21
and you're right, i'm a very blessed girl, and i'm grateful for it more and more lately.
<3 <3
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