Ouroboros | radishface Inception → Saito/Fischer It was a long time ago and yet all at once when Saito fell in love with Fischer. 3000 words. A/N, inceptionkink prompt for Saito/Fischer.
Autonomic | radishface Inception → Cobb/Arthur The time Cobb almost lost Arthur for good and Arthur almost let him do it. 3222 words. Explicit. A/N, written for inception_kink for a number of prompts including this, and this.
Make No Conditions | radishface Inception → Arthur/Eames How to Forge a Lady 101. Things get a little out of hand during a tutorial session. 1376 words. Explicit for some girl-on-girl-on-boy-on-boy-on-girl-on-girl action. A/N, written for inception_kink for the prompt: Eames teaches Arthur how to be a woman.
Playtime at Eleven | radishface Toy Story → Gen, with some single-handed/minded sexual activity from a consenting teen. Andy's been coming... of age. The toys react. 934 words. Adult for some mild teenage fapping. A/N, written for disney_kink for the prompt: what do the toys think when Andy gets to it?