Yesterday, we went to the dollar store to pick up some miscellaneous household items, and I discovered a bin of very, very cheap double-feature DVDs organized by genre. They are distributed by a company called EastWestDVD and are apparently pressed, assembled and packaged in Hong Kong
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So... my LJ'ing dry spell appears to be continuing. Work has been busy-matic and even in the absence of a summer theatre project, I'm still finding that the time is vanishing into the various uncharted black holes that make up my life
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06/05/2007 - New at Jay Kingmaker: Fan Mail WizardPlease join me in bidding a fond farewell to -- this is its last monthly web issue. Good times and good material, courtesy of editor
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05/01/2007 - The Gossip Scroll, Hell's Police Blotter, Those People Behind You at The Sermon on the Mount and Off-Message Church Marketing in The Wittenburg Door Issue #211 (
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