i heart you guess who??? just to let you know you do know me. you may ask yes or no questions to try and guess who i am i will check you page for them answer in a comment. i love games.
1. are you chris james? if not, 2. do i know you from high school 3. do you go to u of m? 4. are you younger than i am? 5. are you older than i am? 6. do you go to my church? 7. do you go to faith? 8. did i ever date you? 9.do you really like games?
Well this is just hard...I don't think I want to play this game anymore. So you go to Faith? But you kind of go to Ellendale? Are you in college? Did I meet you at a church/church function? Can you just tell me? bc I can't play games for long...
Comments 12
thank you so much for caring. i still care, even if im not there to show it. just know that.
i want you to be content.
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