Bart Hoebel, whose research focuses on behavior patterns, addiction and the functioning of the nervous system, has been studying the addictive power of sugar in rats for several years. His previous studies have demonstrated in the rodents one of commonly understood component of addiction: a pattern
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I am sorry,but these jackasses are no better than the morons who refuse to leave a tiny island during a hurricane and choose to "ride it out" with macho/ pigheaded bravado:
"Still, some Minnesotans took it as just another winter day, even in the state's extreme northwest corner where thermometers bottomed out at 38 degrees below zero at the town of
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as much as I wanted to like the life story of Edith Piaf :"La Vie en Rose"
I just can't get into torch singers...and her early life was so dismal,all I could think of was all the sickly street children of whores who didn't make it....