here.]Upon stepping through the door, Zack had suddenly felt kind of dizzy, almost like the floor was falling out on him. He didn't know what that was about, but he didn't even get the chance to try and come up with a reason for it, since the next thing he knew he was being overwhelmed by a whole new set of sensations. First of all, he was
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The rollicking, rickety jerks and judders were easily enough to send Yuffie stumbling, careening off to the side. She compensated automatically, pushing herself into a clumy, off-balance movement that was half a roll and half a handspring. It righted her, but it didn't steady her, not until the fingers of both hands closed convulsively against a familiar metal railing.
That was when it clicked. That was when she realized why she was so damn off-balance, not just because oh Leviathan she was on an airship, she was on the Highwind-but also because her hands were empty. Both of them. Her shuriken was familiar weight on her back, and her clothes-she hadn't worn these clothes since that time, since that night, and she hadn't felt like this since then, either. Yuffie might not have ( ... )
Thought not so adaptable that he was able to hold his balance perfectly well when the airship was pitching around like it was out of control. Zack tried to make his way toward Yuffie as he watched Cloud race toward the lower deck. Cloud could fly this? Since when? Sure, his friend had grown, but enough that he'd learned how to work an airship ( ... )
She gave herself a moment, staring out across the recent devastation. What once had been a mighty, disgusting city was already cracked and crumbling. Yuffie had no love for Midgar, but even for her it had been hard to watch. All those lives down there… she'd thought, maybe if they could've moved faster, more people would've lived. She'd thought that they'd won, so why hadn't everything come up smelling like roses? Of course, she'd soon learned better. Had known better. Definitely knew better now, experience being like bitter ice-cream on the world's worst cake ( ... )
At least the possibility of impending disaster made for a pretty distraction, she thought gloomily. Cloud's piloting skills were tip-top, for a farm-boy from Hicksville and for a dude who wasn't Cid, but something was going on here, something big, maybe something bad. If they could get flung back here, who knew what was gonna happen? Yuffie didn't wanna be all Negative Nancy, but, hell, she was worried. Real worried. And worse yet, 'til she was off this bucket of bolts, there wasn't a thing she could do about any of it ( ... )
She straightened slowly, swinging her shuriken into place. Ugh. She hated airships, with the impassioned fury of a thousand burning stars! Always would. It was like a universal constant, right up there with the one that said everybody with the last name Shin-Ra is a gigantinormous prick.
Still, no time to be wasting. They'd landed already; her stomach might still be playing catch-up with her brain-meats, but she had tons better stuff to do than whinge. Like, finding out what in Leviathan's name was happening here. Oh, and correcting Zack. That too. "I said pretty much, not that it was." Yuffie hopped back to her feet, ignored the wobble in her legs, and started back for the deck. There was no other exit. "We did stop it, yeah. Stopped Meteor from smacking the whole planet into next Tuesday. But that-this-isn't the end. And we weren't in time to stop Midgar getting wrecked." She paused at the door, facing into the rusty, meticulous ( ... )
Hell, of course they could handle it! And that wasn't just infallible Kisaragi confidence doing the talking. Nope, it was logical. Pure, hard, cold, brilliant logic. SOLDIER first class may have been-may still be-a bunch of mangy mutts, but they were good at what they were good at, and they were pretty damn good at fighting. As was she. She wouldn't slow them down, they wouldn't slow her down, and they'd get this whole thing figured out like snap.
Besides, this was Kalm. Kalm. Kalm before it got ground into the dirt by Deepground's thugs. The worst things hanging out in these parts these days were Elfadunks, Mus, and Levrikons! Total small-fry ( ... )
When the blond reached the ground, he was wielding Ultima weapon. It felt good to be properly armed again, and this had been almost just where he'd left it. Almost, because he'd had it equipped when Landel abducted him. It hadn't been leaning against the wall. He was just going to hope that Zack didn't take the size as some attempt at competition against the Buster sword. It wasn't as if he'd crafted it himself! (It was, admittedly, a little garish looking ( ... )
They weren't-no, they were. They totally were.
They were comparing their swords.
It was hard to get any lamer than that. Yuffie supposed that maybe it was some kind of macho male bonding practice, full of overcompensation and, uh, stuff. But, dudes, time and a place, c'mon-
- Except she couldn't really, really begrudge them. Well. She could, of course she could, but they did have a whole hell of a lot to catch up on. Zack had a whole hell of a lot to catch up on. He couldn't be comfortable here, in this time. Maybe even in this place, she didn't know. It made her realize, not for the first time, just how screwed up and whacked out the situation was. She'd never had to think in timelines before, not really, but these days it was hard to avoid. There was her, the magnificent ninja Yuffie, from the furthest along. None of the others even had a clue what was in store. Then there was Cloud, and Nanaki, Tifa, Aerith… Would they get back to their own separate timelines, or would they get stuck sometime else, just ( ... )
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