[in usual script]

Sep 30, 2009 09:29

 I understand that there have been several notes regarding the events of last night posted already. However, I would greatly appreciate it if those of you who experienced something would answer a few specific questions for me to aid my investigation.

Did you experience anything before the incident?: Voices, images flickering, etc. As detailed as possible.
Did you see a ‘ghost’?:
What relation was this ‘ghost’ to you?: Lover/ sibling/ parent? ‘Loved one’ will suffice if you wish to remain ambiguous.
Did you ‘die’?:
Was the cause of death significant to you in any way?: Specifics would be appreciated, but ‘yes’ or ‘no’ would suffice.
The next thing remembered after the ‘death’:

Anonymity will be respected and notes will be removed once I have read them.

-         Inspector Lunge

[the note has been edited to reflect this response]

lunge, *day 44

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