Type: Fanfiction Series: Bleach Title: Rescue Mission Author: Ore Genre: Gen, Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Chad kicking some ass. Disclaimer: Belongs to Kubo Tite. I am not him. Notes: Written for chirachira. Don't ask how many times this took. The three were a pain for some odd reason.
Type: Fanfiction Series: Bleach Title: Steady Author: Ore Genre: Gen - with Tatsuki and Ichigo! Disclaimer: Belongs to Kubo Tite. Notes: It was mostly about fighting. And, you know, maybe a little about friendship.
Type: Fanfiction Series: Bleach Title: Outlook 2 Pairing: Shunsui/Nanao Disclaimer: Belongs to Kubo Tite. Notes: For 30_kisses. #22 - cradle Dropped out of the comm - may rework this one day and follow the theme on my own. But as of right now - Abandoned.
Type: Fanfiction Series: Bleach Title: To What Is Rating: PG-13ish . . . maybe Pairing: Ichigo/Orihime Disclaimer: Belongs to Kubo Tite. Notes: For temps_mort on the picture challenge. Ficlet is based on chirachira's pic of Schmoopy Ichigo and Orihime. Really, the challenge was just an excuse. Sap and some more sap.
Type: Fanfiction Series: Bleach Title: Outlook 1 Pairing: Shunsui/Nanao Disclaimer: Belongs to Kubo Tite. Notes: For 30_kisses. #9 - dash Dropped out of the comm - may rework this one day and follow the theme on my own. But as of right now - Abandoned.
Type: Original Title: With Spider Rating: PG Disclaimer: Belongs to me, me, and ME. Everything in this, I do own, so no touchies. *waves big stick* Comments: Unfinished and probably rather pretentious. Or something. I'll have a fic up here sometime soon.
Type: Fanfiction Series: Hikaru no Go Title: Distance Rating: G Pairings: one-sided Akari/Hikaru, vague hints of Akira/Hikaru Disclaimer: Belongs to Hotta Yumi and Obata Takeshi. I do not own them. Comments: cross posted to chain_of_fics
Type: Fanfiction Series: Hikaru no Go Title: Take Me Now Rating: R Pairings: Hikaru/Akira/Hikaru Disclaimer: Belongs to Hotta Yumi and Obata Takeshi. I do not own them. Comments: It’s way early in the morning, this is on crack and has only been spell-checked. A drabble-ish thing nspired by a very short rant at the lj comm fanficrants.