I tex'd you but got nothin:( I am always at work these days so thats why I havent been around, that being sick and not being able to talk kinda puts a dampining on phone calls. And the whole being at work, im so tired all the time:( and i got back together with my boyfriend and lately we have been working on things....busy busy busy. I know thats no excuse for not talking to people but yeah..thats all i got.
sorry that you two had a fight, but im glad its blown over!
if that someone youre talking about is me (though i could be completely wrong, i'll say this anyway) i havent been around enough to call anyone and my cell phone is prepay so i hate using it or id call you from it when i was out, but i basically only use that for texting. i hope i get to see you before i go to germany! im trying to get a few people together thursday night or early friday before i hafta be at the airport at 4 on friday.
Comments 10
if that someone youre talking about is me (though i could be completely wrong, i'll say this anyway) i havent been around enough to call anyone and my cell phone is prepay so i hate using it or id call you from it when i was out, but i basically only use that for texting. i hope i get to see you before i go to germany! im trying to get a few people together thursday night or early friday before i hafta be at the airport at 4 on friday.
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