Think way back. If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, so long as it happened.
from now on this journal is going to be friends only. the only 2 people i don't want to read this are my parents and i am pretty sure that they have found it.
comment or add me and i will add you back. if you don't have an LJ, get on the ball and make one and add me as your friend.
there's just something about you that makes me look again
and again and again and again and again and again ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
everytime there is a possibility we will get to see eachother, he gets this little tone in his voice. it is dripping with sincerity, and it makes my heart melt.
i'm at work... i really don't want to be here. my mind is wandering like you wouldn't believe. such is the case pretty much evey day though. blah. i need to call BG and fix my classes for next year. no more english minor, so all my classes are pretty much obsolete. i need to get into some history classes <33
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i had such a fun weekend. my friends are awesome. they made me forget everything bad i was thinking, and i just had fun. friday we went to tommys and then hung out at todds. saturday we went to a party at our friend ashleys house and it was straight out of can't hardly wait. i honestly felt like i was in a movie. it was so much fun. the only thing
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it has been a week since i have updated. there have been some ups and downs. mostly good, but the shitty things have been weighing heavily on my mind
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