Title: I already knew Pairing: Bastian Schweinsteiger/Lukas Podolski, Lukas Podolski/? Disclaimer: all lieeeees Rating: PG Word count: 515 Summary: The truth has come out A/n: From last weeks comment porn,
Oh noes poor Basti! Lukas broke his heart and mine in the process. Even thought the fic is sad I'm glad to see a new Schweinski fic! Seriously, I don't know why people stopped writing about them. For me they're so perfect! Their bromance was amazing. ♥
eek! sorry for the late reply, i was on holiday with no internet! poor Basti indeed, he just wants a little love, I know! They're such a perfect couple, but fics on them go on small waves, there'll be a whole load then nothing for ages, I rarely write about them, but I love reading them! So thought I might as well get the pen out and have a go! Their bromance is too perfect, they do all the work for us! :P <3
Comments 4
Even thought the fic is sad I'm glad to see a new Schweinski fic! Seriously, I don't know why people stopped writing about them.
For me they're so perfect! Their bromance was amazing.
poor Basti indeed, he just wants a little love,
I know! They're such a perfect couple, but fics on them go on small waves, there'll be a whole load then nothing for ages, I rarely write about them, but I love reading them! So thought I might as well get the pen out and have a go!
Their bromance is too perfect, they do all the work for us! :P
Course he wont!
thanks for reading!
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