Feb 17, 2012 11:37
Where does one even begin to apostrophise "ain't"? There's clearly an 's' missing, so it should be "ai'n't", but then there's a completely superfluous 'a', so we need a negative apostrophe to signify its redundancy. I'm going to suggest a comma for that.
That's much better.
Sep 11, 2010 23:29
So, I don't really social-internet anymore. (why does my spellcheck want to capitalise 'internet'? BAD SPELLCHECK)
I'm listening to lots of good music at the moment. Probably the best of which is Avi Buffalo and The Black Keys.
Sometimes I think I'm finally a teenager about five years too late. But I don't believe my formative years end until I
Jun 13, 2010 09:19
I think i need to take a step back and just meditate on what I actually believe for a while.
It's clear to me that my ideas don't align with those of most Christians, with regard to both moral issues and faith issues.
I also think I just need to finish this short period of intense academia, before I go properly crazy.
Jun 12, 2010 20:54
I love WikiAnswers. Here is the one I love the most (verbatim).
Q: What are the parts of a beetle? ( from the category, this is apparently referring to the Volkswagen variety, not the insect)
A: no it has 3 parts
Jun 06, 2010 22:03
I keep having great ideas for short written pieces, then instantly forgetting them.
Doesn't make for productive writing.
May 01, 2010 00:21
Highly dissatisfied with the way I'm living my life. Making changes accordingly. More to come.
Sep 29, 2009 02:53
Insomnia. Blech.
I've taken a tablet, but it will take a minimum of half an hour to work. Half an hour of the 5:20 that I have left to sleep. >_