so I did that myres-briggs test thing. i'm not sure how accurate it is for me; i'll let the people who know me best decide that. but what I did like was one of the careers it threw up for me was computer programming. which is probably what i'll end up studying at university
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So, I finally got around to installing semagic on this machine, and figured I should do one of those update thingies, since it's been so long. In fact it's been so long, i'm not quite sure where to start
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looky looky! i'm updating this thing, for the first time in about 8 months! thank you semagic for allowing me to update, and not letting my infinite lazyness get in the way :D
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ok so i've actually had this account for about 6 months and i'm only now writing in it lol. which in itself, is a surprise, probably as much to me as it will be to anyone else who knows me and reads this
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