I love high heel shoes and I love buying unique looking shoes when I go shopping in Melbourne. So when there's weather like today I was checking the internet and I found these shoes from a US website. I would like to buy them but they cost $100 in Australian dollars! So for now I all I can do is admire them and wish I had them in my collection!
Hey all, I have been lazy about updating what is going so far. Well nothing exciting has happened to me lately. I recently started a new job and I am happy that I am going to have a steady income for once. The bonus is that it's local and I don't have to send heaps on time taking the train in and out of the City. Not matter how exciting the
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I am going to China next year in September to teach english as a volunteer for one month! The place I will be going to is Xian in China. I have save money towards the flight now and if I can get some voluntary work experience in and around my local area. As well as booking flight and applying for visas, etc. I will need to start
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Recently, I have peaked an interest in Interior Design and I have found some of these images interesting. The designs are rather out there! Have a look!
I kept telling myself that I would not go to see any movies at MIFF this year but I can not see a movie and its is better to save money. Heck, what the hell I might as well see something so the movies that I will be seeing is
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Today, I joined up to a Boxing gym when I only recently canceled my other gym membership at the other gym that I was going. I really hope this gym does it for me or else I am wasting money on yet another thing which is useless to me. I know that boxing will definitely help me lose weight and tone my body because in my current state i am doing
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Well what can I say about the weather lately, its cold and it the kind of weather where nobody feels like going out. It suck especially in the morning when i have to go to work, I have to leave my nice warm bed and get changed into my work clothes. So I plant my self in front of my little heater which does jack
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