Title: The Little Prince
Written By:
kjsilopannaTimeline: Post 5.13
Rating: R (For language mostly…lame, I know, but I can’t write porn. Sorry.)
Summary: Justin has angst. Brian makes lame innuendos. Craziness ensues.
Author Notes: It helps to have a general knowledge of the original The Little Prince to appreciate this, but it’s not really necessary. Go
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Comments 79
*gigglesnort* It's such a Brian statement that I find it adorable that it's referring to Justin :-) Guess that's to be expected if you've got Brian Kinney as your guide towards being the Best Homosexual.
I absolutely love the humor mixed with slight angst and told in a clear, concise narrative. The style is really familiar and so in-character; I know I've come across its like before, so that should narrow down the field of possible authors. Whoever it is, this is highly enjoyable and very well-written. Great job!
I'm thrilled that you liked the fic-ness! *huggles*
Awsome witty line. I liked this story a lot it had depth, good characterisation and the descriptions of New York were great, I felt really 'there'.
I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. *huggles*
...This is what I get for not using a beta. =S
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