Title: The Little Prince
Written By:
kjsilopannaTimeline: Post 5.13
Rating: R (For language mostly…lame, I know, but I can’t write porn. Sorry.)
Summary: Justin has angst. Brian makes lame innuendos. Craziness ensues.
Author Notes: It helps to have a general knowledge of the original The Little Prince to appreciate this, but it’s not really necessary. Go
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Comments 79
This was wonderful filled with a nice mix of different and expressed emotions.
Nice Job.
Justin thinks that Debbie might be on to something: every time he opens his eyes, Justin sees what he thinks he should have. His eyes look out on the world and they see conventional families, conventional lives-and it all looks so appealing. Not because those things are what’s best for him, but because they’re socially accepted and comfortable-looking, at least from his outsider’s perspective. He’s made a lot of decisions lately with eyes wide open.
Justin closes his eyes and tries to see what really matters.
Great story.
counting Teds I inhaled water when I read that. lol
I hate to admit I've never read "Le Petit Prince" so I took your advice and read the summary in Wikipedia. I see how you used it as your inspiration, but not knowing the story doesn't take anything away from the enjoyment of reading your fic.
Yeah, I get the feeling that I'm more well known for lurking and randomly commenting in this fandom than anything else, haha.
I see how you used it as your inspiration, but not knowing the story doesn't take anything away from the enjoyment of reading your fic.
Awesome! Thank you sooooo much for commenting.
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