Title: The Way the World Ends
Written By:
faile02Timeline: During and directly after season one
Rating: G
Summary: Daphne was always Brian's biggest advocate.
Author Notes: This is unbeta'd due to a time restraint. Forgive me. This is also my first QaF fic, so any sort of constructive crit would be awesome. 1035 words
The Way the World Ends )
Comments 52
Keep going ;)
At first, you thought Brian was going to break him. Justin was trying so hard and you were there for every minute of it, and you liked Brian, you really did, but every time Justin was happy, every time you thought he finally had it together, Brian kicked him in stomach and you had to watch Justin struggle to stay above water.
A lot of that is because of how she reacts when Brian shows her attention. But of course she's going to giggle! A very good looking older man is telling you you look hot! Who wouldn't giggle!
But Daphne's not stupid. She also doesn't rush into things the way Justin does... I sorta see her as his voice of reason.
There so isn't enough Daphne fic out there. I've wanted to do one for awhile myself. This was excellent.
Thank you very much!
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