Title: The Way the World Ends
Written By:
faile02Timeline: During and directly after season one
Rating: G
Summary: Daphne was always Brian's biggest advocate.
Author Notes: This is unbeta'd due to a time restraint. Forgive me. This is also my first QaF fic, so any sort of constructive crit would be awesome. 1035 words
The Way the World Ends )
Comments 52
After Justin went inside, you sat in the car for a few minutes and waited. You waited until you saw Michael leave and you waited even longer until you saw Justin again, tucked carefully under Brian's arm ( ... )
"You were out of breath and scared shitless by the time you saw the EMT's and Brian, covered in blood that wasn't his. You took his cell phone away from him, moving him aside for the emergency workers to do their job. It was numbing, making the important calls that Brian couldn't make (Mrs. Taylor, your mother). After a moment, you called Debbie, one of the few names in Brian's cell phone that meant anything to you.
I could totally see this happening...oh how I wish we would have! Very nice job.
good job!
The lack of a beta shows. If you ever need one agian, I'd be glad to help out. FanSee, the grammar nerd
Yeah, I had to rush to finish the story... I actually finished writing it the day it was due, in the hotel on my first day of vacation. I had a crazy month with a number of things going on in my personal life and other LJ deadlines to get to. I hate posting unbeta'd stuff like that, but I really had no other choice to get it in on time. Next time, I'll keep you in mind, thank you!
Real Life can be a bitch! Anyway, I loved your story and thank you for submitting it, beta'd or unbeta'd. I wouldn't have wanted to miss it. FanSee
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