Title: Thoughts and Realization Rating G Characters: Snape Pairing: Gen, Snape/Lily if you squint. Summary: Snape thinks on his feelings regarding Harry Potter and comes to some realization. ( Read more... )
Hi, just wanted to let anyone know who might be interested, about the community ashthedrabble *points to flist* This is a fic community for those interested in the actor Anthony Stewart Head and any of the character he's played. They have challenges that change every couple of week's and are terribly fun, so come join!
Tite: First Time For Everthing Pairing: Robin/Lily Rating PG AN: This is an in-ep fic for the ep where Lily tells Robin she wishes she had a lesbian experience. ( Read more... )
Hi, I'm finally getting around to posting a fic here. It's a Buffy/Willow drabble which I wrote for The Buffyverse Femslash Yahoogroup in July of last year. Rating-wise I'd say it's PG. ( Cut )
Hi, I'm Dariclone, welcome to my journal. I've been lurking around livjournal communities and such for awhile now, so I decided to get my own. I will probably post some of my fics here soon as I figure some things out. I'm a multi-fandom gen, het and slash writer/reader. Hopefully, there'll be something here for you to enjoy soon.