soOo... i'm in the mayor's office in baltimore... brad works here, doing some fancy schmancy cushy job... lots of computers and no lights... very cool. ideal job for markie...
i'm spending the weekend at umbc again... i am NOT a huge loser, shern.
yes, its true. the engagement is off. and jonathan and i have never been better friends. i am SO happy. i'm not going into the whole schpiel here... this is a livejournal, and that would be yammish.
i got ot see dave and joe this past weekend. it was pretty ok, as far as drama filled weekends go.
mark, bro... you need to be here, seriously dude. there is some activity of the serious nature goin down here. this is like, the biggest rush ever. i'll tell you about it when we catch up with each other. (soon
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