Rawr. My name is Michaela, I found you via a mutual friend Peace_now. Let's see... A good reason for me to read about your life and for you to suffer the possible reading of mine...um... You seem a lot like Morgy, haha. And you don't seem like a moron (something which has become rather rare on Live Journal as of late.) I go through phases of being "One of those anime kids," depending on how much free time I have, so I thought I might as well see if we're friend-compatible when I have time to kill. Don't like me? Don't friend me and tell me to piss off; that's all it takes.
Being a moron is a matter of conversation, actually... ;3 ::Snickers:: But I get what you're saying, and I do agree. lol I shift between one of those anime kids to one of those anime kids, sometimes. Hehe. Never less, because I'm a loser like that.
d^_^b!!! I love, love, love your layout!!! DARK!!(krad is ok...but DARK IS BETTER) I'm a HUGE D*A*R*K FAN (too)! He's so *gorgeous* XD, hah, sorry, im getting overwhelmed. But yeah, just a few things: I found you in Lunatic_Angel and i just love all the icons you've made. I'm an artist/(hopefully) future mangaka (at least i want to become one!). Just to let you know, im not trying to make my list bigger at all, as you see in my info. Yeah ^_^() its not a big list and i could careless (about having a HUGE list like sum ppl). My friends are cool and i like them all. Mind if i add you?
WELL, lol...apparently LJ thought it would be cool not to ever give me this comment in my inbox. And I just saw it. If you're still interest, the of course, go on and add me. :3
Hi! I'm Chelsey, also a rabib fangirl of Dark. I swear the "I'm too sexy song" is his theme. I'm also a yaoi fan. I found you while going through the D N Angel quizes on memegen.net and found one of yours, took it, and saw my some of my pals lj usernames on it. So curiously I put one of my other friend's lj names and mine came up as a result. If I personally know you I'm sorry I don't know exactally who you are ^^U. I have a few guess though. My anime obsession is also quite ruling. Finsihed getting all the japanese enlgish subbed D N Angel episodes. I think my good reason is that I might know you and we have common interests!
Hehe, I don't think I now you or that we've talked before, unless we've ever met at cons, but of course I'll add you. Hehe. That was a good enough reason for me.
Comments 41
I go through phases of being "One of those anime kids," depending on how much free time I have, so I thought I might as well see if we're friend-compatible when I have time to kill.
Don't like me? Don't friend me and tell me to piss off; that's all it takes.
I shift between one of those anime kids to one of those anime kids, sometimes. Hehe. Never less, because I'm a loser like that.
Anyhow. Adding! Welcome to the insanity!
I'm not certain if you remember me, but I was on your former journal. :x I like very much to be added again?
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