It was very good. Shame I had to leave before you played Jacky. Tubes n all that. Nice to hear Madonna aswell. Haven't heard Madonna in a club for years. I might have a Madonna night but have a feeling that it would be terribly unpopular.
Hello, I was on your table at Shira's wedding! I just wanted to say, having just stalked your journal, that I love your taste in music (I have to say that though as all of the above are on constant rotation on my itunes Favourite Songs playlist) and can I PLEASE come to your next Pet Shop Boys night?
The PSB night was only meant as a one-off, although it's not out of the question that I would do another more generic synth-pop night at some point, and if I do, I will plug it here.
Anyway, I'll add you to my Flist, although your LJ appears to be firewalled at work due to "inappropriate explicit/sexual content", whatever that means...
Heh, yes, sorry about that. My journal is actually pretty non offensive but I talk about 'Versailles Porn' (um, my book) quite a bit, which I think leads to Problems.
Haha, sorry, I should have warned you that my journal is unspeakably saccharine at the moment whilst I try to convince people that I am a nice person in a bid to get them to forget all about past nefariousness. It seems to be working, but at the expense of any edge that I may formerly have had. I won't be offended if you just cannot bring yourself to read it! ;)
Comments 12
The PSB night was only meant as a one-off, although it's not out of the question that I would do another more generic synth-pop night at some point, and if I do, I will plug it here.
Anyway, I'll add you to my Flist, although your LJ appears to be firewalled at work due to "inappropriate explicit/sexual content", whatever that means...
Heh, yes, sorry about that. My journal is actually pretty non offensive but I talk about 'Versailles Porn' (um, my book) quite a bit, which I think leads to Problems.
Have added you as well. :)
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