Some were wondering what was going on with PPOP this last month. What has happened is Owen was busy with final projects before the break and Auggy is actually in Aussieland right now so we had to put the story on hold. The season Finale will occur in the Summer of 2011. The next trailer will be up next month.
- A 8.8 magitude Earth strikes just outside Sendai - 7 metre Tsunami hits Japan -temors still occuring 10 -15 mins -fears of a radiation leak from the Nuclear Plant - Cities on fire - 1,000's killed so far, hundreds still missing - Just a few minutes ago another 6.8 magitude Earthquake hits just outside Nagano
Only a few months left to the final chapter ending to PPOP! Expect 2 new trailers within March! Also wow, it's been such a productive few weeks. Naglen hasn't taken lightly to Brooklyn walking around though he hasn't made any moves against Yukio. Kirei let him see Seki though. Kirei has been training hard with Fairian and Misoka as
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Okay he's been depressing for weeks and honestly I thought he might kill himself, but Misoka's attitude issue has came up again. When meeting Carmine again, while my baby was very respectful even though he loathes Misoka for what he did. Misoka instead of just being civil he insults Carmine repeatedly, putting him down especially when he's in
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The Earth is breaking apart~! How scary is that? After the rush of saving Carmine and Soren from the clutches of Huttser, Reni and the group of misfits and I'm just gonna assume Nami, Shiki and the father also followed because it would be weird otherwise back to Rubii's house. Because for some reason not yet explained the ground is still stable!
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So no one panic a few days ago Reni and London found the kids. Soren is healing, Carmine is exhausted, he is still lanced and has to use packing snow to keep the wound from healing with the lance in him. Bridget is sick from being in the cold with little food. Since no one knows what happened to the angels and Nami, London is out looking for them
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So Misoka got his powers back and he's doing very well, actually though he hasn't become more confident and still keeps to himself. Lu tried to commit suicide today when Fairian went to stop him, he collasped and his condition isn't stable. This is most likely because like Naglen Lu has no medications for his health. Fairian has moved him to the
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