Love Ignites the Galaxy, Star by Star

Nov 17, 2008 01:56

Assorted notes for the AU novel-length work Love Ignites the Galaxy, Star by Star, from the Star Wars series work in progress The Rebirth of the New Jedi Order:

Standard Disclaimer:
Act 1, Scene 1:
The stage is dark. Cue spotlight to the center of the stage. Cue Vergere (her small feathered form almost lost within a set of voluminous black robes) to walk to the center of the stage.
“Ahem. The author would like you to note that George Lucas owns all rights to these characters.”
Cue Tahiri Veila, dressed in a green fairy costume, giggling most provocatively as she swings by on a trapeze, performing several flips as she launches herself into space, to eventually be caught by Anakin Solo, dressed in full Jedi regalia and riding on a chandelier, à la Errol Flynn.
Cue Anvil Drop while the attention of Vergere is otherwise occupied.
Cue spotlight on Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, Jagged Fel, Zekk, Tenel Ka Djo, and Jacen Solo, arms slung casually around each other’s waists and/or across each other’s shoulders, all blinking rather innocently and studiously standing so that the hems of Kyp’s and Jaina’s robes are draped mostly over a rather large knife, while Anakin and Tahiri (both now laughing heartily) salute them with their lightsabers and soar off together into the darkness, the empty trapeze swinging back out above the anvil and the rather smashed-in stage (above the even more broken form of Vergere) and thumping quite squarely into an obviously flabbergasted Lumiya, knocking her headdress badly askew and apparently angering her enough to make her charge off after them blindly, waving her arms and her lightwhip about rather like a windmill trying to invite a jousting match.


*Title: Love Ignites the Galaxy, Star by Star (*working title only, though it may become the permanent title by default).

*Series Title: The Rebirth of the New Jedi Order (*proposed series only, at this point, though I know there will be enough possible material associated with this story for a series).

Pairing: This work revolves around several couples and strong relationships, though the pairing at the front of the story (set during a slightly AU version of the current EU timeline of the Legacy of the Force series), of Tahiri/Jacen (Darth Caedus), acts more as an impetus to change the present and the future by altering the past than as a truly viable partnership. A great deal of this story will focus on or revolve around the following bonds: the ties between Tahiri Veila and the combined Solo and Skywalker clan, due to her past friendship/truncated romance with Anakin Solo and an entanglement with Jacen Solo, as Darth Caedus, that causes her to attempt to change the past, to save Anakin Solo’s life and stop Jacen Solo from ever becoming a Sith Lord; the ties between Kyp Durron and the combined Solo and Skywalker clan, as highlighted by both his dual status as what amounts to an adoptive member of the Solo family and one of Luke’s former pupils and the teacher/student relationship that evolve between Kyp and Jaina; and the familial ties binding the three Solo children together. There will be some romantic partnering of characters alluded to and/or essentially accomplished before either the end of either this story or else during the course of this proposed AU series, most of which have been drawn directly from the SW EU - i.e., Luke/Mara, Leia/Han, Tahiri/Anakin, Jaina/Jag, and Jacen/Tenel Ka - though others are going to be primarily based on my own attempts to expand on the EU material in and surrounding The New Jedi Order series due to specific differences introduced into the mix from the AU aspects of the storyline (as with Danni Quee/Jorallen, Raynar Thul/Malinza Thanas, Ganner Rhysode/Eryl Besa, Kyp Durron/Alema Rar, and, eventually, Zekk/Wynssa Fel, though most of these pairings likely will not come up until later in the series, after this particular story). Since most of the pairings will be drawn from the EU, they’re basically going to be het; however, it is, quite frankly, my opinion that readers who are put off by the notion of same-sex or cross-species pairings should mostly likely not read this story (or some of the SW EU material, for that matter!) or the series that this story is going to be set in, are they are likely to eventually find their, ahem, “delicate sensibilities” offended by certain less heteronormative and speciesistic elements of the GFFA. Readers should consider themselves warned, please, and refrain from complaining about any non-het or cross-species pairings or elements in the story and/or series!

Rating: Uhm, probably a borderline R (?), though I suppose that's debatable . . .

Word Count: 95,949 in the WordPerfect file (including the basic story/author notes)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the lovely characters from the Star Wars ’verse, more’s the pity! What I do have is an extremely contrary muse that refuses to shut up and leave me alone . . .

Summary: The future is never a fixed thing. Though certain actions taken at particular possible points of divergence can, seemingly, preclude the possibility of specific future pathways ever coming into existence, other unexpected choices can have extremely powerful repercussions with far-reaching effects upon the possible probable pathways that the future might yet take . . . and sometimes the spreading ripples of those effects can be so powerful that even the present and a part of the past can be altered, if enough raw energy is poured into the process of causing those effects. For Tahiri Veila, the possibility of swaying the current balance of power in the galaxy from darkness and despair back to light and hope seems worth any sacrifice necessary . . . even if she will have to give up her own life and the life of her unborn son to accomplish this. Will her sacrifice be enough to change the shape of the future, though, or will evil yet find a way to triumph, in this the worst and most wide-spread of all galactic wars?


1). For those who are confused about if and how this story fits in with the AU SW ’verse of my series You Became to Me (or the AU version - well, fragment of a version, so far - of that SW AU series, Becoming Love: I, In You), well, the short answer is that it really doesn’t. This story was originally conceived as a one-shot AU fix-it sort of a thing, in response to the author’s discontent with essentially everything in the SW EU from The New Jedi Order series onwards (especially the Legacy of the Force series in which Jaina Solo kills Jacen Solo to prevent her brother from taking over the known galaxy as Darth Caedus, Dark Lord of the Sith). In the process of mentally planning/mapping the story out, though, it quickly became obvious that there’s far more story here than could possibly be contained in a single novel-length work - especially a novel-length work meant for NaNo - and so that is why the story is listed as a part of a proposed series, which is essentially meant to function as an alternative for (at the very least) the latter half of The New Jedi Order series.

2). For the record, yes, this is essentially going to be a sort of time travel story, though the time travel, as such, is based largely on the mechanics of the rare Force power of flow-walking (as taught to Jacen Solo by the Aing-Tii monks), as well as (oddly enough) principles very like those that allow for hyperspace travel to work in the GFFA in the first place (given that the first known method of faster-than-light travel in the GFFA was actually accomplished by the Rakatan Infinite Empire with engines powered by the Force itself, rather than by any kind of mundane fusion generators or hypermatter reactors). Although flow-walking itself is supposed to be incapable of causing substantial alterations to the past/present (even though it can effect minor alterations) and other methods of controlled travel to/from the past/future aren’t precisely inarguably cannon in the GFFA, it doesn’t seem to me as if time travel, as such, is refuted outright by SW canon. Thus, since, by combining the more spiritual/mental projection of the self through time (as utilized by flow-walking) with principles of physical movement through space (as utilized by hyperspace travel), it does seem as if it would not necessarily be impossible to physically travel back in time, I am allowing Tahiri her chance to truly change the path of her own past and, thus, to deliberately reshape the future of the galaxy. For those who are interested in flow-walking, hyperspace travel, and other such related topics, I suggest reading the following highly informative articles on the Star Wars Wiki (Wookieepedia) website: and In fact, I would encourage anyone who’s curious about any given person or item or occurrence or idea, etc., in the SW ’verse to use the Star Wars Wiki (Wookieepedia) website as a resource!

3). For those who are wondering, Olys Corellisi, or Old Corellian, essentially is to Basic what Old English is to modern-day English. Thus, given that Han Solo is a proud Corellian, I have decided that it’s appropriate to pepper the language and thoughts of Han and his children (as well as Kyp Durron) with some Old Corellian as well as what I think of as the modern Corellian counterpart of Old Corellian. Most of these words are (when not taken directly from the EU), essentially, either Old English or Middle English versions of modern English terms, or else are created words inspired by specific Latin, German, Norse/Nordic, and/or (occasionally) Celtic phrases. For those interested in Olys Corellisi, please see the highly informative article about it on the Star Wars Wiki (Wookieepedia) website:

4). Please note: I try to keep some of the basic details and backstory for my SW AU series as consistent as possible, when it comes to ancient (and even a certain amount of more recent) history, certain cultural types and languages associated with specific planets and populations, etc. Thus, since I made the decision to link the Chiss with events surrounding the dissolution of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, in my SW AU series You Became to Me, the same can be assumed to hold true for the history of the Chiss in this SW AU series, The Rebirth of the New Jedi Order, though obviously the Chiss of this series will have no way of knowing of this connection, given a much different recent history in this AU series when compared to events in You Became to Me.

5). Please keep in mind that Cheunh is an EU language, just as Olys Corellisi is. As such, certain words (visvia, visnea, Crahsystor, ktah, etc.) and their meanings are taken directly from the EU. However, some of the Cheunh words in my AU will (eventually) be entirely of my own making, and I am, unfortunately, not nearly so linguistically-gifted as, say, Karen Traviss and other creators of entire working languages are. Apologies for any excessive bizarreness in the various terms I’ll eventually end up coming up with! Readers should probably also note that a lot of the quirks of the Chiss (the clothing and gloves, the family ties, the existence of “red” Chiss and the gods-touched, etc.) is patterned on the way I wrote the Chiss for my You Became to Me SW AU series and, as such, is a mix of what I’ve inferred from the rather scanty information about them in EU and of what I just happen to think fits a people as strong and as morally aware (but almost dangerously unbending, in the post-Empire era) as the Chiss are generally written in the EU (or at least as they were largely written by their original creator, Timothy Zahn).

6). For those who are unfamiliar with the character of Jorallen, well, the simple fact is that the poor fellow never got a chance to exist outside of a proposed trilogy for the NJO series that was, unfortunately, cancelled after the first book was completed, with none of the trilogy ever actually being published. Those who are curious about him and/or the proposed series (which, by the way, has happened, after a fashion, in my version of the backstory for this AU series) may want to take a gander at the following highly informative articles on the Star Wars Wiki (Wookieepedia) website: and

7). Because of the way in which I was initially introduced to the GFFA (as a young child, given a VHS copy of what would come to be known as A New Hope to watch), I usually tend to visualize and/or hear a lot of what I’m imagining when I’m writing, and that means that most of the SW characters I write about - be they canon characters from one of the six saga films, EU characters from the books, comics, television shows, etc., or original characters specifically created to help populate the background of my stories - tend to be modelled in some way on individuals who actually exist in real life. So I have a rather extensive list of various real world individuals I have essentially “cast” as specific EU and original characters (which I am constantly having to add to and/or modify, as more EU materials are released and I write more in the GFFA). Some of these casting decisions are, for me, basically set in stone, given the amount of time that the characters have already spent prattling on in the back of my brain, telling me about what they’ve done or are planning to do, in various stories. Others are more flexible and could still be modified before all is said and done. For fans who’re interested in knowing what some of the characters look like, for me, I’d highly recommend perusing these lists, which are up on my LJ and are, conveniently, labelled such things as “my reupdated cast of SW characters (EU, original, and otherwise), part one” through “part five” (currently). (The “revamped list of handmaiden characters cast and other notable Nabooians” parts one and two are really more applicable for the You Became to Me SW AU.) In the case of folks who may have obviously been cast as older adults (or vice versa) than they are going to be for the majority of this story, please, just use your imagination! Anyone with any questions or suggestions about specific casting choices can feel free to email me at and/or simply leave a comment for the story or the casting lists!

8). The epigraphs at the beginnings of the various parts/chapters of this story are more inspired by my reading of Frank Herbert’s classic (and quite brilliant) sci-fi series Dune at a rather impressionable age than the rather recent tendency of various EU authors to include informative epigraphs (mainly in the form of epigrams/quotations) in the chapter headers of their novels. If folks think that the epigraphs sound familiar, then odds are that’s because many of them are going to be largely based on either famous quotations and sayings/proverbs from the real world or else on dialogue or important passages from the six-film saga and/or from specific EU works. And logically, for a ’verse with the sheer scope of the GFFA, with as much history and as many sentient species spread out across such vast distances, odds are that someone, somewhere in the GFFA would, at some point, write or say or otherwise communicate virtually anything we mere humans could ever come up with on our little Earth, so please don’t fuss about whether or not it’s realistic to imagine someone from the SW ’verse expressing a belief very like that of a fictional character or historical personage here on Earth.

9). The calendar of the GFFA is supposed to operate according to galactic standard time, and so that is the system that I use for my dating. This means that the following will hold true in this story/series: 368 days = 1 year; 60 seconds = 1 minute; 60 minutes = 1 hour; 24 hours = 1 day; 5 days = 1 week; 7 weeks = 1 month; 35 days = 1 month; and 10 months + 3 festival weeks + 3 holiday days = 1 full year. Also, the days of the week are as follows: Atunda; Katunda; Satunda; Datunda; and Natunda. And on Coruscant, the final Festival Week is actually the New Year’s Festival, though this doesn’t necessarily hold true for the rest of the GFFA, meaning there’s a week that could be accounted as falling within two different years at the same time, depending on where a person is from or where exactly the accounting is taking place (i.e., Festival Week 3 is actually accounted the first week of a new year on Coruscant, as it is the New Year’s Festival, meaning that it functions as the first Festival Week of any given year on Coruscant, whereas it is the Winter Fete or the end of the year Festival elsewhere, away from the Core Worlds, within the GFFA, and so is regarded as the final Festival Week of any given year). For the GFFA in general, the galactic standard year goes as follows:

Month 1: Elona
Month 2: Kelona
Holiday 1: Tapani Day
Month 3: Selona
Festival Week 1: Expansion Week
Month 4: Telona
Month 5: Nelona
Holiday 2: Productivity Day
Month 6: Helona
Festival Week 2: Shelova Week
Month 7: Melona
Month 8: Yelona
Holiday 3: Harvest Day
Month 9: Relona (The Freeworlds Region of the Tapani Sector also recognizes Relona 10-15 as Independence Week.)
Month 10: Welona
Festival Week 3: Winter Fete

Because I work specifically within the framework of a galactic standard calendar and a galactic standard concept of time, I tend to assign specific dates for occurrences, rather than simply vaguely stating that something has taken place sometime in the twenty-fifth or the twenty-ninth year before or after the Battle of Yavin. I will be sticking with the BBY/ABY dating system, since it is the one that most EU sources chronologically placed after the six-film saga use, but please don’t be surprised to see references to events like the founding of the Old Republic or the founding of Palpatine’s Empire, and please don’t be surprised if I give certain important events their own specific dates by year, month, and day.

10.) As with all of my AU works, please note that this story specifically shadows a certain SW work - in this case, the EU novel Star by Star, by Troy Denning, though mention will be made of certain events in the both the Legacy of the Force series and in the first half of The New Jedi Order series - and that certain of the scenes (especially near the beginning of the story) will, inevitably, echo certain parts of that EU novel fairly closely, until the path of the story diverges far enough from that of the EU novel to fully enter in to AU territory. So for those familiar with Troy Denning’s Star by Star, please, don’t be surprised if a couple of earlier scenes - especially those dealing with individuals who aren’t on Myrkr, like the Han and Leia and Luke and Mara - sound an awful lot like what goes on in Star by Star, since it will (logically) take a bit longer for changes to the timeline introduced on Myrkr to start affecting folks in the rest of the GFFA!


Alema Rar: Jedi Knight (female Twi'lek)
Anakin Solo: Jedi Knight (male human)
Bela Hara: Jedi Knight (female Barabel)
Ben Skywalker: Son of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker/future Jedi Knight (male human)
Borsk Fey’lya: Republic chief of state (male Bothan)
C-3PO (Threepio): Protocol droid
Cilghal: Jedi Master (female Mon Calamari)
Danni Quee: Scientist, apprentice Jedi Knight (female human)
Eryl Besa: Jedi Knight (female human)
Ganner Rhysode: Jedi Knight (male human)
Han Solo: Captain, Millennium Falcon (male human)
Jacen Solo: Jedi Knight (male human)
Jaina Solo: Jedi Knight (female human)
Jovan Drark: Jedi Knight (male Rodian)
Krasov Hara: Jedi Knight (female Barabel)
Kyp Durron: Jedi Master (male human)
Lando Calrissian: Resistance fighter (male human)
Leia Organa Solo: Former New Republic diplomat (female human)
Lowbacca: Jedi Knight (male Wookiee)
Luke Skywalker: Jedi Master and essential head of the New Jedi Order (male human)
Mara Jade Skywalker: Jedi Master (female human)
Nom Anor: Executor (male Yuuzhan Vong)
R2-D2 (Artoo): Astromech droid
Raynar Thul: Jedi Knight (male human)
Saba Sebatyne: Jedi Knight (female Barabel)
Tahiri Veila: Jedi Knight/future apprentice to Darth Caedus (female human)
Tekli: Jedi Knight (female Chandra-Fan)
Tendra Risant Calrissian: Businesswoman, resistance fighter (female human)
Tenel Ka Djo: Jedi Knight (female human)
Tesar Sebatyne: Jedi Knight (male Barabel)
Tsavong Lah: Warmaster (male Yuuzhan Vong)
Ulaha Kore: Jedi Knight (female Bith)
Vergere: Adviser to Tsavong Lah (female Fosh)
Viqi Shesh: Senator and Yuuzhan Vong collaborator (female human)
Zekk: Jedi Knight (male human)

As always, notes may very well be added to as the story progresses!

For the moment, the story itself can be found in the following places:

First Half of the Preface: Sanctifying, Sacrificial Love:

Second Half of the Preface: Sanctifying, Sacrificial Love

Prelude: The Past Becomes Present

Prologue: A Bad Feeling . . .

Chapter One: Lines of Fate Intersecting

Chapter Two: Complications and Improvision

Chapter Three: Fragments Shored

Chapter Four: The Beginning of the End

Chapter Five: The Battle for Coruscant

Chapter Six: Hopes and Fears

Chapter Seven: Reclaiming Honor and Freedom

Chapter Eight: The Great Escape

PS: The most current versions of my basic character casting list can be found at: and

The list is likely to be updated to include more EU characters at some point in the near future. Another link will be added, if it spills over into a sixth post because of its length!

This has been crossposted like mad!
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