Well, yesterday was a wash. I tried, I really did. But I was busy during the day, and come 8 pm, I couldn't keep my eyes open. So I'm atoning by doing two 300 word sessions today. Which is nowhere close to the 1000 I ought to be doing, I know. But I'm all about the turtle winning the race.
from the first DWFL batch )
Comments 5
and if that's why Draco is stunned. And I want to know why Snape hasn't done his usual verbal attack
I know, I know, but I have to keep you guessing or it's not going to be worth it to read the whole chapter!;-)
I feel the same way about
And you should pat yourself on the back, not beat yourself up, for your wordage.
I, otoh--although at least NaNo is causing me to make writing a daily habit.
Which is part of perhaps why it's taking me so long. That and the fact that alot of this chapter is personal potterverse magical theory wankage that I've always wanted to write. It's going to need soooo much editing, this scene. *nudges beta*
It might not work--but you can't know w/o seeing it in context. (and great writing helps). F
or instance, I generally wouldn't be irritated beyond belief with a work that made Snape's appearance be because of a appearance detraction charm - but my fav SS/HG has that device. The writer sells it because of a lot of reasons: fit with theme, other characters having it, not making the un-glamoured Snape gorgeous, the charm having other consequences etc.
It's going to need soooo much editing, this scene. *nudges beta*
::puffs out chest:: Well, I've heard you have a good one so...
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