Title: The King is Dead, All Hail the King - Heavy is the Crown Author: darhtbatgirl Disclaimer: I own nothing Rating: G Characters: Tim, Dick Summary: Timothy goes to visit Bruce's grave Warnings: angst
Intriguing start. I like how you set it at Bruce's tomb, it really cemented the tone you wanted to come across. Tim's rant was really beautiful, I could feel his pain and fear. Even better was Dick (even though he'll be called Richard in this, I'm still gonna call him Dick. Can't help it, lol) coming to his aid and giving Tim his support and comfort. Those words and that simple act really set the tone for their relationship.
Terrific opening. This 'verse is going to be a lot of fun, and I'm eager to see what all you do with it!!
*grins* Oh I had such a time writing their names, I had to keep going back and changing them from Dick and Tim to Richard and Timothy. Old habits die hard and all that.
And Dick will always come when Tim needs him. It's just the nature of their relationship I think.
Comments 6
I totally caught Tim's pain.
*hugs him*
Terrific opening. This 'verse is going to be a lot of fun, and I'm eager to see what all you do with it!!
And Dick will always come when Tim needs him. It's just the nature of their relationship I think.
I'm so glad you enjoyed this first part hon.
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